How To Have Long, Beautiful And Sexy Nails

Joan Doe

store owner

Beautiful, long, attractive nails are at the same time elegant and sexy. However, some people find it difficult to maintain them as they don't know about keravita pro formula. You can grow beautiful nails and maintain them in a simple way, following some tips we have given you ...

1. Eat right

People often forget that nutrition is an important element in developing and maintaining beautiful nails. Because nails are high in protein, it is important to include a high protein diet.

Foods high in protein include:

- Henna is over

- Fresh food and milk

- Yogurt

- Eggs

- Vegetables (peanuts, beans and lentils)

Another advantage of Keravita Pro high protein diet is that it improves the overall health and condition of your hair.

2. Do not bite your nails

How can you have a nail that lasts if you still bite it? You will not do that.

If you have a bad habit of biting your nails regularly, try nail polish. This will discourage you from biting them because the varnish tastes bad.

3. How to lighten unattractive yellow nails

Many people have yellow nails for various reasons. Here are some reasons why you have yellow nails and how to fix them:

I. Apply a lot of nail polish, but do not wear foundation (especially dark colors). You should always wear a base coat before doing your nails to protect your nails from dirt.

ii. Makes nail polish with formaldehyde as part of its shell. You should always go for a formaldehyde-free nail polish.

4. Keep your nails clean

It is important to always keep your nails clean to maintain their health and beauty. And a simple tip to keep them healthy is also to always remember the bottom of your nails every time you wash your hands!

5. Apply a clear coat of varnish before applying a colored coat

You should always cover your nails with a transparent base before applying the nail color of your choice. The reason is that the nails do not turn yellow (as we suggested earlier).

In addition, it is also good to apply a clean base regularly to prevent the nails from breaking.

6. Take vitamin supplements every day

Taking Keravita Pro every day will help strengthen and rejuvenate your nails. Vitamins provide your body with the nutrients it needs to grow nails, hair and skin. Vitamin B6 is an important vitamin for improving the health of your nails and hair.

7. Always wear gloves when doing household chores

Doing daily chores at home can be detrimental to your nail health.

For example, bleach destroys the natural proteins in your nails and makes them brittle and fragile. Therefore, you should protect your nails by wearing gloves when washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom or doing outdoor work.

Nail fungus is a common problem that affects millions of people around the world. This nasty problem can cause many problems, including thick colored nails, and can even damage the nail bed causing discomfort and pain, especially when wearing shoes or boots. However, there are some different natural nail treatments that will help you get back to your nail health.

The first treatment for natural nail fungus you can try is a continuous nail bath with a solution of crushed vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. These help promote nail health by attacking the fungus and helping to kill it before it causes further damage. You may need to do this several times before filling your nails to kill the fungus.

Another natural fungus treatment you may want to try is half a solution of Vaseline and tea tree oil. Vaseline is available at any grocery store and tree oil can be found in most vegetable or natural food stores. Take the affected toenail with your toes and dip it in the mixture. Put a Band-Aid on the nails and leave it on for at least 24 hours. Repeat the process until the mushrooms are melted. It also promotes nail health by invading and killing the fungus that causes damage.

Prevention of the latest natural nail fungus is prevention. Using a combination of Keravita Pro will help you kill the fungus that is causing the problem. However, it is important to follow good foot hygiene practices to ensure foot health.